Under a heavily overcast sky, a ferry glides through the murky waters. What begins as a routine journey soon spirals into chaos. A sudden storm erupts, frantic screams pierce the air, and lives vanish into the abyss...

This film unravels the haunting tale of souls lost to the depths. Inspired by true events, "BIALO" explores the fragility of human life when confronted with the unknown.

An innocent reunion of old friends morphs into a nightmare as sinister forces emerge. Enigmatic rituals, the haunting shadows of the past, and echoes of lost souls ensnare these individuals in a web of terror, balancing precariously on the edge between life and death.

This is not merely fiction. Every scene, every line of dialogue is rooted in actual events. "BIALO" invites viewers not just to witness a story, but to become part of this chilling reality.

Do you dare step into the abyss under the darkened sky? Prepare to enter the disturbing world of true events.


Explore the captivating world of "BIALO" through our exclusive photo gallery. From intense moments on set to candid behind-the-scenes shots, get a glimpse of the effort and dedication that went into bringing this chilling story to life.

Each photo captures a moment of suspense, fear, and the unknown. Read on to feel the creeping dread that accompanied every step of our journey.

"Creating 'BIALO' was not just a filmmaking process; it was a journey into the darkest recesses of our minds. The set itself seemed to breathe with a life of its own, echoing the fear and tension that permeated every scene. The atmosphere was thick with an almost tangible dread, a shadowy presence that seemed to watch our every move.

'BIALO' is more than a film. It is a testament to the power of the unknown, a reminder that there are forces beyond our comprehension that shape our lives. We invite you to step into this world, to feel the chill of the shadows, and to experience the fear that we lived every day on set. Welcome to 'BIALO'. May the darkness consume you as it did us.